Race:         Hobbit Class:        Cleric
STR:    8      INT: 5         WIS: 16        CON: 8 DEX:   21      CHR: 15        ALT: 13        LUC: 13
Hit Points:   11
Social Status: Freeman Minstrel
Your first memory was that of lying outside the ruins of an obviously ancient city. Where you came from, what your name was, your past — none of it could be recalled. It was cold and snowing, and you wandered in a daze for many hours. Finally you saw firelight ahead; you stumbled toward it, desperate for warmth. A glance at the camp's occupants, 7 ft tall, green, scaly, fanged, and you decided you weren't that desperate after all. Unfortunately, the Urakai were a little faster on their feet than you were - well, alright, alot faster - and you became a slave of the Urakai.
Months of abuse followed. The Urakai provided you with a guitar, which you found you had some skill with, and the bare necessities to support life. They would have a jolly old time sitting in a ring, listening to you sing, tossing occasional pieces of rotting, odorous garbage at you if you missed a note (and sometimes even if you didn't). A long and abiding hatred of Urakai started to burn during that time. One night, the taunting grew to be unbearable. "Look! Halleys Comet" you shouted, pointing past the Urakai Chieftain's shoulder. As he turned in surprise, you whacked him upside the head with your guitar. While personally satisfying, the light guitar merely caused the Chief to continue his spin; this unfortunately caused him to fall backwards into the fire with resultant third degree burns in a place that would guarantee an empty saddle for a while. This, of course, caused the other Urakai to go into hysterical gouts of laughter. Indeed, the Chiefs bodyguards while helping him out of the fire "accidentally" lost their grip twice, sending the hapless individual back into the flames. When the party was over, however, you paid dearly. The Chieftain returned your little tap with a war mace, leaving you unconscious and blind in one eye. The last thing you saw as the lights faded was the serpent twined around a tree, the symbol for that particular tribe.
You were aware of being moved many times, by litter and by horseback, over a long, black period. When you finally came around, you were on the Atlantis, a heavy trader from Kethem. They were picking up a load of lumber from Tendut. The Captain explained that you had been found lying in an alleyway closeby and had been mistaken for a hurt child. They realized soon afterwards that you were . . . different, and decided to try to bring you around before they turned you over to Tendut authorities. You explained you had no ties to Tendut and
requested passage to Kethem.
In Kethem, you were interviewed by Krusko, the Warden of Graffon hold. The mystery of your background and unknown racial lineage perplexed him, and he agreed to hire you on as a minstrel for the hold until you were better situated. Your voice and ability on the guitar were not the best, but your dexterity and charm made up for any lack of skill and you managed to do fairly well. Your presence was requested at several local holds. If Krusko could not provide transportation, however, you were forced to politely refuse. On one such occasion, Holder Montor, a person you had come to detest due to his constant "short jokes", laughingly suggested that he would provide you with one of his Guard dogs as a mount. Seeing an opportunity, you agreed in all seriousness. Embarrassed but obligated, Montor supplied you with a wolfhound. With great determination, you did indeed learn to ride it and still use the mount to this day. Mentor's jokes were much abated after that particular incident, filling you with secret glee.
At the end of one performance in Graff on Hold, you were approached by a man called Gallager who appeared to be a friend of Krusko's. He spun a good yarn about the days of his youth when he was a simple thief. Later you were to learn that Gallager now taught the arts he once practiced, particularly to several shadowy individuals associated with the hold and Ranee, the Minister of External Affairs (and Graffon's son).
Having a little free time on your hands, and having a lot of greed on your mind, you asked Gallager if he might not teach you a thing or two. He agreed...for 200 silver pieces a lesson. Thus you joined Gallager's more "discrete" classroom of private students. You learned rapidly, and your high dexterity made you particularly suited to the art of thievery. You were getting set to embark on a hopefully profitable sideline as a pickpocket when Krusko sent for you. You chatted for a while. As you were leaving, Krusko mentioned how he noticed that you were spending alot of time with Gallager, and not to let his stories go to your head, because as Warden his job was to step on anyone breaking the law. You have been thinking about this piece of advise.
Krusko has been absent much of late. He seems occupied with the Kom Offensive against the Trolls, and from bits and pieces of conversations you have come to understand that things are going very well against the Trolls. The entire front apparently collapsed about four months ago, and Kom will shortly be nominated as a new providence. Many people are very, very interested in this; new land means many new holds and many new holders.
Firebeam I
Confusion, short (one melee round per point missed in save) Confusion (until attacked, then saves until making, or 1 hr) Obscure, 15 sec
Items :
Leather              ^ t or/
$ gold, 23 silver 5 ** ^ (Speak Elvish:           95%
Read Elvish:            90%
Horse riding           70%
Horse training         60%
Other animal training  40%
Weapons Training:
Dagger Shortsword