What has gone before #0
It was time for the spring fair in Bythe, and the central plaza was full of the
young and the restless. One of the standard competitions was about to start. A
combination of fun and utility, if not cleanliness, the annual attempt to clear
the sewers of braffins (alligators with poison spines) with the offer of one
hundred silver per head drew the adventurous. As was usually the case, most
groups consisted of friends who had agreed to hunt together for fun and profit.
Also as usual, there were the groups that formed out of the outcast and
friendless, mutually draw together by a need for companionship. One such group
composed the party formed by the PCs, up until that point strangers.
Bullwinkle had the street smarts that would provide an edge in the hunt. A short
cut through the backstreets of Bythe would get them to the waterfront ahead of
the other fortune seekers. The group edged its way over toward the appropriate
exit from the central, square. On the way, however, Legum bumped into a group he
recognized from his stint on the Hectlac expedition to Tawhiem, A cluster of
Ibisi tribesmen. He struck up a conversation with the apparent leader, Arab
Myina. Arab Myina explained that they were here to determine whether the
negotiations currently being conducted in Nol were giving the Tawhiem tribes
fair value for copper, their primary export. The conversation turned to more
interesting topics when Legum asked about the weather. The Ibisi worship
Kekamar, god of winds, lord of storms. Arab Myina spoke of unexpectedly failing
clerical spells and odd weather patterns. He likened them to the old legends
from five hundred years before during the fall of Tawhiem. Legum suggested they
meet again in a local tavern and continue the conversation at a later date.
As the group approached the central plaza exit, Guido recognized a familiar
face. It was holder Montor speaking with a naval officer of some rank.
Bullwinkle supplied the name; Hestor Matlock, Adrimal of the Bythe fleet.
Bullwinkle also noted Captain Salskat of the Stangri Solution and a number of
his men clustered around the two. The party inched closer to hear the
conversation. Adrimal Matlock was complaining that the fleet had wasted a
significant amount of time looking for a non-existent Stangri raiding fleet
based on information from Montor. Montor replied that the ancient scrying device
he owned was sometimes in error, but had proved correct many times. Matlock
responded negatively, stating that it worked only on a few small raiding
efforts, never on the big ones. Montor countered with the thought that the
Stangri might protect the large raids better. As the group edged closer to the
two quarreling men, a flamebolt erupted out of a nearby inn. Two sailors were
down, but Matlock and Montor appeared untouched despite having been in the
center of the beam.
The group was new to combat and each other. Most went to ground, laying prone
and praying against another attack. Guido, Hammerhand, and Bullwinkle charged
the building. Unfortunately, the unknown assailant escaped. Return fire caused
the inn to begin burning, and only smoking scraps of paper could be recovered
from the assassins hiding spot. The only clues found were a scrap of cloth from
a cloak and the tread of boots that appeared to be standard naval issue.
Unfortunately, this type of garb was also used by many of the inhabitants of
Bythe' s waterfront. Afterwards, Guido spoke with Montor. Montor was impressed
with the speed of the groups reaction, and suggested they stop by some time in
order to discuss potential employment opportunities with him. Guido agreed and
the group continued on to the Braffin hunt, already behind the other hunters by
ten minutes.
On the way down a back alley, the party ran into a street gang. The gang was no
match for the party, but Guido noted a sickeningly sweet smell that he
remembered; it was "madweed" that the Urakai would use to drive themselves into
a berserk, uncontrollable rage. The party continued to the waterfront.
The sewers were disgusting, but the group forged on. A group of subdwellers, the
emotionally crippled group of homeless vagabonds living in the sewers, avoided
the torches of the party. A single Braffin attacked, and was taken with minor
injuries. As the party continued on, Ziwa began to feel chills of horror run
through her. Suddenly Jake, on point, hit something solid under the water. Ziwa
could barely contain her feelings as the group recovered the rotting body of an
elf from the slime. This was obviously the elvish ambassador that had
disappeared a few days before under mysterious circumstances. The elf had
apparently been killed by a Braffin. The only thing of interest on him was a
strange amulet made in the shape of an unknown symbol. Ziwa worked up her
courage and removed it. She suggested that she take point and continue down the
passageway. The group was suspicious and Mr. Magoo forcibly took the amulet
away. He told everyone that it was a powerful magic item and he felt he should
toss it away further down the tunnel. Ziwa shouted that the amulet was in
control of him. She did not mention that the feeling she had as she held the
amulet reminded her of a unknown unpleasantness from the nightmares that were
all that remain of her childhood memories. As Mr. Magoo tried to take point, the
party jumped him and put the amulet in a bag. The decision was made to return
the body to the Elvish embassy immediately.
Baldar got his horse, and with the body tossed over the saddle the group headed for the other side of town and the elvish embassy. They made it about a quarter mile when they were stopped by Graffon Hold wardens. They were taken to Krusko, the Graffon hold head warden. Guide's friendship with Krusko was put to good use. Some of the Graff on hold wardens returned with Baldar to the sewer to search the rest of the area. A strange boat was found. As one of the wardens entered it, the top snapped down on him and the boat accelerated away under magical power before anyone could stop it. The powerful magic of the amulet and the boat convinced Krusko that this was a serious matter. Some of the Graff on hold wizards were put to work analyzing the strange device. Krusko stated, however, that the elves would not be informed unless authorized by others higher in the government hierarchy.
Later that day, Mr. Magoo went to see an old friend from the Hectlac cult named
Brean. He described the symbol on the amulet and asked Brean to investigate.
Then he returned to Graffon Hold to stay with the rest of the party. During the
night, Graff on hold was raided. The guards and magic users around the area the
amulet was in were killed horribly, and the amulet was gone. How this group
circumvented the hold security was a unpleasant mystery.
The next day, Mr. Magoo returned to Brean's curio shop. Brean had disappeared.
Searching for clues resulted in finding an impression on a pad, which was shaded
with pencil to reveal the name of a ship, the Kethem Light Warship Sea Spray.
The party turned to the Hectlac cult library of ship's logs to find out more.
The Sea Spray had been decommissioned eighteen years before. Examining the logs
revealed the last few entries in the log had been torn out. Discussion with the
Hectlac clerics revealed that the book had been used by Brean, then a John Doe.
Additionally, a "tracer" had been put on the log eighteen years ago and was
renewed annually. The tracer resulted in sending a message to the person placing
it when the book was checked out. The address was for a John Doe at the local
office of Kethem Naval Intelligence, Kethem's internal and external intelligence
agency. There was no John Doe at the office, however, and the party elected not
to pry too deeply.
The Hectlac priest noted that a duplicate of the log had been made and stored at
the temple in Hediro, a few days journey down the coast. This was standard
practice since the razing of the Vedri library by Stangri raiders, but he hoped
that the thief might have overlook the possibility. The intrepid band of
adventures was hired on as bodyguards for a junior priest who would actually
travel to Hediro and recover the pages.
Legum ran into Arab Myina before the group departed, and suggested he join them
as see a little more of Kethem. Arab Myina agreed. On the road to Hediro, the
party ran into a company of Kethem Guard Light Horse. The officer in charge
explained that a number of Urakai slaves from a nearby mine had broken free and
were loose somewhere in the area. Additionally, the II corps (responsible for
this area) was currently 2000 troops light, and one of the frequent anti Guard
flare ups in Hediro had most of the remaining 3000 troops there. Thus the road
to Hediro was not was well guarded as normal and could be dangerous. The Hectlac
cleric insisted that the group continue to Hediro, and finally the young officer
agreed to accompany them to the outskirts of the city.
As the party continued down the old shore road (also called the ring road), a
small village came into sight. It was quiet — too quiet. Guido snuck forward to
investigate. As he edged his way across the barren front of the closest building
to peer in a window, a hail of crossbow bolts from the inn across the street
pinned him to the wall. Guido, sorely hurt, hurled himself into a ditch. The
company of Light horsemen charged a group of Urakou (low ores) on the right,
while the adventures ran toward the inn from which the deadly bolts had flown.
Battle was joined with several Urakou, when the sizzling hiss of heat beams was
heard. Twelve Urakai, eight on the side with the horsemen, four on the side with
the party, joined the fray. Arab Myina cast a spell, and a cone of lightning
enveloped two of the Urakai. This helped turn the battle around, and the party
emerged victorious. The Light Horse lost twelve of sixteen men, but eliminated
the last of the Urakai. The party immediately began to ransack the buildings in
the town. The four remaining Kethem Guard men stopped this quickly. They failed
to notice nimble Guido slide a dagger that his detect magic had identified into
a slot in his belt.
The rest of the trip to Hediro was without serious incident. There were a few
rotten tomatoes tossed at the weary horsemen, but no other unpleasantness. The
dagger had a strange symbol in the hilt, but not even the Hectlac clerics could
identify its meaning. The missing pages from the log of the Sea Spray were
recovered. They spoke of finding a elvish boat adrift with only the dead to man
it. Damage from fire beams and flame bolts criss crossed the wood. Carved into
the mast, apparently by a crewman that had died in the effort, was the symbol
that everyone recognized as the same symbol on the amulet. The elvish boat was
towed in to an unidentified port. The rest of the log was uninteresting,
speaking mostly of decommissioning and mothballing of the Sea Spray.
During the stay in Hediro, a muscle bound stranger joined the group in a drink
at a local pub. Buying drinks for everyone resulted in rapid friendship, and
Rocky signed on with the group for travel and adventure. The return trip to
Bythe started the next day.
The return to Bythe was as exciting as the trip out. An overturned cart and a
rapidly dying healing cleric alerted the party, and after following tracks up a
river, battle with four more Urakai was joined. This time, things did not work
out as well. A Urakai swung a mighty blow with his battle axe, and Bullwinkle's
head flew off his shoulders. Arab Myina fared no better as a spear ripped
through his body, killing him. The rest of the party suffered greatly, but
fortunately the four Urakai had been damaged in their encounter with the cart,
and this weakness allowed the party to triumph. A scrap of paper with a
description the the cart and now dead guards as well as the time they would pass
this location was found; underneath the writing was Urakai scrawlings that a
read/speak languages revealed to be a translation of the same data. An amulet
that looked to be of human manufacture was also found. Siban, the party healing
cleric, recognized it as a healing amulet and used it to heal up the party. He
also used a personal charged item to heal the unconscious Urakai in accordance
with the charter of his religion.
The party returned to Bythe without further incident. The clerics at the healing
temple were astounded with the group's story; they explained that the amulet was
a very powerful clerical magic item that could cast a single cure light wounds
per person per day, and that it was being transported to Bythe in order to carry
it over to Kom, supporting the war against the Trolls. They offered to raise
Arab Myina from the dead in return for this valuable service. Arab Myina was
successfully raised, but would be unable to travel for two months and unable to
participate in any serious activity for six months. He was very grateful,
however, and was very pleased when Guido wrote a song on his behalf that spoke
of his bravery fighting the Urakai in slightly exaggerated terms.
The question of what to do next arose. The group of adventures first went to see
Lord Holder Montor to discuss the offer of employment he had made previously.
Montor told them he needed a discrete group to make a run against a lessor
holder named Bravin. Bravin lived on a small island south of Bythe. Montor
suspected him of dealing with the Stangri. Bravin was also building a new type
of ship in a covered dockyard, and Montor wanted to know the details of its
construction. Any proof that Bravin was actually dealing with the Stangri would
be icing on the cake. The party scoped out the island, but decided that
penetrating the defenses of the place was out of their league. Mentor's offer
was politely declined. The party began to look for other opportunities ....