3 weeks in and counting

Three weeks into using facebook ads, and the results are interesting. I’m getting better than average click through rate … meaning how many people actually click the button when they see the add. Seems like the average is about 0.9 percent, or less than one in a hundred, which seems abysmal. It’s a little hard to say by category, because they are very broad, but in “retail” it’s about 1.5%; I’m getting 2.4%.

Then comes conversion rate; how many people that click on the link buy the book. Average (again, in a very generic sense) seems to be 10%. I’m getting about 1%. That means if one out of three people then go on to buy the rest of the books, I’m breaking even. It will take a while to see how that pans out, but I’m thinking it’s a high bar.

The vblog that advised how to set up a facebook campaign suggested pointing the add to your author page on amazon, but I think it’s time to try something a little different. We’ll see if things pick up a bit!

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