Bob Willis Memorial RPI reunion

(see the photogallery)

Meeting at Holmes and Watson and raising a toast to the King

Top, left to right:  Eric Haines, Sherilee Backman, Julia Belyung, Rick Shetron, John "Commander" Kroll, Kris Backman, Marty Connell, Shawn Bilodeau

Bottom left to right:  Mark Christensen, Rob "Bob" Whelan, Rob Hendrie

Looking at the memorabilia brought by Eric Haines

Planting the "Bob Was Here" stickers around campus (look for the florescent green spots)

Meeting the new RPI games, club, and introducing the King.  One of the club officer put the poster of Bob in the games club locker.
The gaming session in the Student Union

Remembering happy times with Bob and each other