Photos, March and April 2007


The winning DBH2 team

Brie prep for semi-formal

Brie prep for semi-formal

Brie prep for semi-formal

Brie prep for semi-formal

Brie prep for semi-formal

Brie prep for semi-formal

Brie prep for semi-formal

Brie prep for semi-formal

Brie prep for semi-formal

Tasha in an outfit

Tasha in an outfit

Tasha in an outfit

Tasha in an outfit

Tasha in an outfit

On the firing range

On the firing range

On the firing range

On the firing range

On the firing range

New 22 inch monitor

Tasha being chased by a RC truck

Visit from Lisa

Will preps for Evert Academy trip

Darwin at the Museum of Science


On the firing range

On the firing range

On the firing range

The winning DBH2 team

The winning DBH2 team

The winning DBH2 team

The winning DBH2 team

The winning DBH2 team